Strategic Accounting. A new Accounting.


Strategic Accounting. A new Accounting.

Traditional accounting in Brazil has been undergoing a revolution resulting from the harmonization of local accounting practices. In this context, accounting practices change from practices more focused on meeting tax and labor obligations to accounting in line with international standards and specifically with the IFRS standard and more representative of the company's economic and financial situation.

Strategic Accounting. A new Accounting.

Elements such as observation of Fair Value , accounting information by segment, calculation of EBITDA and compliance with the rest of international standards have brought unquestionable progress to Brazilian accounting when compared to practices observed until then, where the historical cost and little use of statements for managerial purposes were evident.
However, accounting in Brazil and in the world is still strongly focused on values ​​and financial information.

Robert Kaplan, one of the gurus of management accounting and in my opinion the biggest name of all, is of the opinion that the accounting of the future will be an accounting focused on the management of indicators. Together with Norton he created a methodology that has been widely used and is my best indicator management tool ever conceived. This strategic management tool for indicators is the Balanced Score Card .

However, the Balanced Score Card has a non-integrated operation with accounting, which despite advances continues to have a bias centered on the financial information of the accounting statements.

With that in mind and focusing on the accounting of the future, I created a way to link traditional financial accounting to key performance indicators. This new approach I called
Strategic Accounting Statements. The Strategic Financial Statements represent a significant expansion of accounting, as by associating different performance indicators, by qualifying and attributing "trafic lights" to these indicators and by incorporating trend arrows that in the case of an improvement trend (upward arrow) is required the detailing and monitoring of an action plan, transforms accounting, although advanced and aligned with international practices, into an effective strategic management tool.
The methodology of Strategic Financial Statements are outlined through three previous posts whose links are included below.

Strategic Financial Statements - Introduction Strategic
Financial Statements - Part 1
Strategic Financial Statements - part 2. Building a Strategic Income Statement
If you want to consult about a lecture, training or consultancy on strategic indicators, contact to whatsapp 55.11.97227.7471 
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